2022-09 Rock Climbing Campout
In Sept. 2022 we went to Elizabeth Furnace National Forest for camping and outdoor Rock climbing with Vertical Rock. The Scouts and adults had a wonderful time.
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In Sept. 2022 we went to Elizabeth Furnace National Forest for camping and outdoor Rock climbing with Vertical Rock. The Scouts and adults had a wonderful time.
Every year Scouts BSA and Cub Scouts gather food across their neighborhoods to help stock food pantries all over the country for winter. Our troop is happy to be one of the many troops that contribute service hours to this cause.
Troop 219G annual mulch fundraiser with our brother troop – 295B
Our limited pictures from 2020 and COVID
Details – TBD
Adult POC – ???
Details – To be posted later
Adult POC – ???
regular gallery – example
another try – tile Gallery
a 3rd – story block
4th – jet pack slideshow
What: Luray Caverns Campout – “Spacious Skies Campgrounds”
When: 11/1/2024 – 11/3/2024
Where: 3402 Kimball Road, Luray, VA 22835.
Adult Lead for Campout Planning: Tom Marting
Departure Point: Friday, November 1st at 3:00pm, Old Bridge UMC, 3966 Old Bridge Road, Woodbridge, VA. We will meet and load necessary gear for the trip, assign scouts to cars, and coordinate caravan. Generally, it takes between 30 minutes and an hour to load gear. Travel time to Camp is about an hour.
(more…)These are the dates for events from Annual Planning.