While at the observatory, there was an area where all devices were completely restricted. The only pictures we could get of the Green Bank Telescope were from the museum.
In Dec. 2022, Troop 219G received a very last minute offer to help make ornaments for sailors who could not be home for the holidays. The very short timing didn’t allow for much troop participation, but Troop 219G was still represented in the effort. Below are the ornaments that were made.
Most years, except for COVID, the PLC has elected to have an end of the year party in lieu of a campout. In 2022, one of the ASMs kindly opened her home for the party which was very well received.
The Hike – O – Ree is a roughly annual campout by the NCAC and it serves as an introduction to Backpacking. Scouts pack and carry all their gear as though it is a backpacking trip, however, they do a day hike and then camp in a large field with the other scouts. This is a great way to try out backpacking for the first time. We had 4 scouts attend this event in 2022. Two of them went on to a NCAC high adventure trip in Wyoming in 2024.